Trivia Mafia

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But what's the ROI here?

As we look to diversify our offerings and keep Trivia Mafia relevant, interesting, and hip, we’ve increasingly wondered if it’s worth turning to Tik Tok. After all, it’s pretty funny and impressive and cute. We are working from home and most of our customers (i.e. taprooms and bars) are unable to seat anyone. Could we add to the jollity with humorous short videos? Then again, what’s so funny about converting questions to slide shows? Does anything we do really matter? How many ways can we shout into the void before realizing that sound doesn’t travel in space? (Oh wait, that would make a good trivia question…) This may be a solution in search of a problem, or an answer to a question that we didn’t need to ask (or simply the answer to the question, What was Ke$ha’s first number one single?).

At any rate, we welcome your thoughts: is Tik Tok trivial enough for us? Or are we too trivial for Tik Tok?